My Dental Club

Partial Dentures

If issues like gum disease, tooth decay, or an oral injury have resulted in the loss of one or more of your teeth, partial dentures are a cost-effective, non-invasive way to reclaim your smile. With partial dentures, you’ll be able to eat, speak, and smile normally again without empty spaces in your mouth. You don’t need to suffer from missing teeth. Call us today to learn more about how partial dentures can restore your smile and your confidence.

There are many different kinds of partial dentures to meet the varying needs of patients, but despite their differences in style and appearance, they all serve the same purpose. Partial dentures attach to your remaining healthy teeth using metal or acrylic clips, holding false teeth in place and filling in the gaps where your missing tooth used to be. Partial dentures are a cost-effective, non-invasive alternative to other treatments like dental bridges and dental implants.

After any preparatory extractions have healed, we will take impressions of your mouth and gums, and use these images to work with a third-party lab and create your custom denture. At your next appointment, you’ll be able to try on your partial denture to see how it feels. If necessary, we’ll refine your denture even further and make adjustments to its fit, color, finish, and shape. The entire process usually takes 3 appointments over a period of 1-2 months, and at the end of your treatment, you’ll have a complete, beautiful smile.


Are Partial Dentures Right For Me?

Partial dentures are a short-term solution used to restore your smile after tooth loss and preserve it until you can get a more permanent replacement like a bridge or dental implant. However, some patients opt to keep partial dentures for a longer period of time, since they are a simple and affordable solution for missing teeth. During your consultation at My Dental Club, we’ll assess your smile and your dental health to help you determine if a partial denture is right for you, or if an alternative treatment may be better for your needs.

What To Expect

How does it fit and feel?

What To Expect

Caring for your dentures

Immediate Dentures

The process of “immediate dentures.” If you choose this method of tooth replacement, you’ll come to My Dental Club for one or more appointments before extracting your teeth to have a set of temporary dentures made to fit your mouth.

Then, once we do extractions at your next appointment, your dentist places a set of dentures over your gums immediately. Immediate dentures allow you to maintain your appearance, and they also cover up the extraction sites, which can help promote better healing and reduce bleeding after tooth extraction.

However, the fit of a set of immediate dentures is usually not perfect. Since they made the denture prior to extractions. In addition, it’s common for your gums to change in size and shape after tooth extraction. This means you’ll usually need to come back to My Dental Club to have a permanent set of dentures fitted once your gums heal from the extraction process.

Book a visit to My Dental Club, simply fill out the form and we will contact you back regarding the intervention you require.

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